Secure Integrations with Getint


April 25, 2024

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In today's digital age, the seamless interaction between business processes and systems is not just an advantage; it's a necessity. Integration allows diverse applications and systems within an organization to communicate, creating a unified ecosystem that operates efficiently and effectively. However, as we bridge these technological gaps, we inadvertently create potential vulnerabilities. Just as physical security measures are imperative to protect valuable assets in the real world, integration security is crucial in the virtual world to safeguard our most valuable digital asset: data.

Integration security encompasses the strategies, measures, and protocols implemented to secure the transmission and processing of data across different platforms, companies, or teams. By ensuring the secure exchange of data, organizations can maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their information, making it "safe and sound." This security is paramount because, in the interconnected digital landscape, the implications of a data breach can be far-reaching and catastrophic.

The Goals of Secure Integration

Securing integration efforts within an organization aims to protect data across three key dimensions: confidentiality, integrity, and availability. These goals are fundamental to preserving the trust and reliability of the system's interconnected components.

Ensuring Data Confidentiality

Sensitive business data—customer information, financial records, and intellectual property—must be accessible only to authorized individuals. Data confidentiality involves encrypting the data both at rest and in transit. Encryption acts as a barrier, preventing unauthorized access and ensuring that sensitive information remains confidential within the integration ecosystem.

Maintaining Data Integrity

Data integrity ensures the accuracy and consistency of data throughout its lifecycle. As data moves between systems, it's crucial that it remains unaltered and accurate. Integration security employs techniques such as digital signatures and hash functions to provide a "digital fingerprint" for data, verifying its authenticity and safeguarding against tampering. This integrity check reassures organizations that their data remains pristine and trustworthy.

Guaranteeing Data Availability

Finally, secure integration must ensure data availability—data needs to be accessible whenever required. Strategies include redundancies, such as data storage across multiple locations, and robust backup mechanisms to mitigate the risks of data loss or service disruptions from hardware failures or cyber-attacks. These measures ensure that critical business operations can continue without interruption, maintaining organizational resilience.

In conclusion, as we navigate the complexities of integrating various systems and applications, the emphasis on secure integration cannot be overstated. The foundational goals of confidentiality, integrity, and availability guide organizations in protecting their data against the evolving landscape of cyber threats, ensuring a secure and reliable digital infrastructure.

The Risks of Insecure Integrations

In the quest for seamless connectivity, the consequences of neglecting security in integration systems can be devastating, making it imperative for organizations to understand and mitigate these vulnerabilities.

Impact on Businesses

A security breach in integration systems can severely impact businesses, leading to unauthorized access to sensitive information and substantial financial losses. Beyond the immediate financial implications, such breaches can damage customer trust, market position, and lead to hefty regulatory penalties.

Potential Threats and Vulnerabilities

Insecure integrations expose businesses to a variety of threats, including data breaches, Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, and code injections. Each of these can compromise data integrity, system functionality, and business operations.

Real-world Incidents

Okta Data Breach

In a significant event that unfolded in October 2023, Okta, a leading identity services and authentication management provider, experienced a breach when a threat actor accessed its support case management system using stolen credentials. This incident exposed the customer support cases, highlighting the risks associated with inadequate authentication and authorization measures in integrated systems​​.

Real Estate Wealth Network Data Exposure

Another stark reminder of the dangers of insecure integrations came from the Real Estate Wealth Network, which inadvertently exposed over 1.5 billion records due to non-password-protected folders and system access. This massive exposure included sensitive information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, property history, and more. The incident underlines the critical importance of securing data at rest and in transit, as well as the potential for social engineering attacks and financial fraud stemming from such exposures​​.

These cases underscore the vital importance of robust integration security measures. The implications of these breaches go beyond the immediate financial losses to include long-term damage to customer trust and brand reputation. They serve as a cautionary tale for businesses everywhere, emphasizing the need for stringent security protocols, continuous monitoring, and regular audits to safeguard against similar vulnerabilities.

Best Practices for Secure Integration

The rising incidents of data breaches and exposures, like those involving Okta and the Real Estate Wealth Network, have underlined the critical need for stringent integration security practices. To fortify your integrations against such vulnerabilities, several best practices should be meticulously implemented.

Use Secure Communication Protocols

Secure communication protocols such as HTTPS, employing TLS (Transport Layer Security) or SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), ensure that data transmitted over the internet is encrypted and secure from interception or tampering. Utilizing strong, up-to-date encryption algorithms is essential for protecting data in transit.

Secure APIs and Endpoints

APIs and endpoints are critical components of integration systems, acting as gateways for data exchange. Securing these interfaces involves authenticating and authorizing API calls, employing secure access tokens such as OAuth tokens or API keys. These measures help in mitigating unauthorized access and ensuring that only legitimate requests are processed.

Perform Regular Security Audits and Reviews

Conducting regular security audits and assessments, including penetration testing on integrated systems, is crucial for identifying and addressing vulnerabilities. Security patches and updates should be applied promptly to mitigate identified risks.

Limit Data Exposure

Limiting the amount of data exposed through integrations to what is strictly necessary can significantly reduce the risk of data breaches. Data minimization, along with applying data anonymity or pseudonymization techniques, helps protect sensitive information.

Establish Error Handling Mechanisms

Proper error handling mechanisms ensure that no sensitive information is leaked through error messages. Providing generic yet meaningful error responses can prevent attackers from gaining insights into the system's inner workings.

Train Employees and End Users

Regular security training for employees and end-users raises awareness about potential security threats and the importance of adhering to best practices. Encouraging a culture of security within the organization is crucial for its effective implementation.

Secure the Data

Ensuring the security of data, both at rest and in transit, through encryption, tokenization, and data masking is paramount. These measures protect sensitive information from unauthorized access and breaches.

By embracing these best practices, organizations can significantly enhance the security of their integrations, safeguarding against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats and ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of their data.

Strategies for Limiting Data Exposure

In the realm of secure integration, limiting the exposure of sensitive data is a critical strategy. By implementing measures that restrict access to data to what is strictly necessary for operation, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of a data breach.

Data Anonymity and Pseudonymization

Data anonymity is a technique aimed at protecting user privacy. Anonymizing data removes personally identifiable information where it's not necessary. This technique ensure that data, if intercepted, cannot be traced back to an individual, thus safeguarding personal information.

Error Handling Mechanisms

Proper error handling is essential in preventing sensitive information leaks through system messages. Systems should be designed to return generic error messages that do not reveal details about the underlying architecture or data. Such practices prevent attackers from gaining insights that could facilitate further attacks.

Applying the Principle of Least Privilege

The Principle of Least Privilege advocates for providing individuals or systems only the access level necessary to perform their tasks. This minimizes potential damage from accidents or attacks by limiting the access an attacker can gain through the exploitation of a vulnerable account.

Securing the Data

Protecting the data itself is paramount in securing integrations. The application of robust encryption methods, tokenization, and data masking are critical components of a comprehensive data security strategy.


Tokenization involves substituting sensitive data elements with non-sensitive equivalents, called tokens, that have no exploitable value. This process is particularly useful in protecting financial information, such as credit card numbers, as it allows the data to be processed without exposing actual sensitive details.

Data Masking

Data masking is the process of obscuring specific data within a database to protect it against unauthorized access. This can involve altering data or scrambling original data to maintain the operational integrity while ensuring privacy. It's particularly useful in development and testing environments, where real data's usage might pose a risk.


Encrypting data, both at rest and in transit, ensures that it remains secure and unreadable to unauthorized users. Using strong, up-to-date encryption algorithms is crucial for protecting sensitive information from being intercepted and used maliciously.

Empowering Users Through Training

Last but not least, the human element of cybersecurity cannot be overlooked. Regular security awareness training is vital to educating employees and end-users about the importance of integration security and best practices. Encouraging vigilance and reporting of suspicious activities can significantly enhance an organization's security posture.

Training programs should cover the latest cybersecurity threats, safe online practices, and organizational policies related to data security. By fostering a culture of security awareness, organizations empower their employees to act as the first line of defense against cyber threats.

In conclusion, by implementing these strategies, organizations can significantly enhance their security posture, ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of their data in an increasingly interconnected digital ecosystem.

Keeping Up With Security Best Practices

As the digital landscape evolves, so do the tactics of cybercriminals. Staying informed about the latest security trends, industry standards, and emerging vulnerabilities is paramount for maintaining robust integration security.

Staying Informed About Security Trends

Organizations should actively follow cybersecurity news, subscribe to security bulletins, and participate in relevant forums and conferences. Engaging with the cybersecurity community can provide early warnings about new threats and advice on protective measures.

Adherence to Industry Standards

Adopting industry standards such as ISO/IEC 27001 for information security management ensures that an organization is aligned with best practices for securing data. Compliance with such standards not only enhances security but also builds trust with clients and partners.

Choosing a Secure Integration Solution

Selecting the right tools and technologies is crucial for securing integrations. When evaluating integration solutions, consider the following factors:

Standard Security Mechanisms

Ensure the solution supports essential security features like authentication, access control, encryption, and regular security updates to address new vulnerabilities.

Scalability and Reliability

The chosen solution should be capable of scaling to meet demand without compromising performance or security. It should also be robust enough to withstand attacks and recover quickly from any breaches.

Vendor Reputation and Support

Research the vendor's reputation and the level of support they offer. A vendor with a strong commitment to security and customer service can be a valuable partner in safeguarding your integrations.

Conclusion: The Path to Secure Integration

In the digital age, secure integration is not just a technical requirement but a fundamental aspect of business resilience. By understanding the risks, implementing best practices, and selecting the right solutions, organizations can protect themselves against the ever-evolving threat landscape.

Empowering employees through training, staying abreast of security trends, and choosing secure integration solutions are critical steps on the path to safeguarding your digital ecosystem. Remember, in the world of cybersecurity, complacency is the enemy. Proactive measures, continuous improvement, and a culture of security awareness are the keys to a robust defense against cyber threats.

As we look to the future, the importance of secure integrations will only grow. By committing to security best practices today, organizations can ensure their data, and by extension their business, remains protected in the interconnected world of tomorrow.

Navigating the Complexities of Integration Security

Integration security encompasses a wide range of challenges, each requiring careful attention to ensure the secure and efficient exchange of data across systems. 

Here’s a deeper dive into some common hurdles and strategic approaches to overcome them:

Ensuring Data Integrity During Mapping, Transformation, and Validation

Accurate data exchange is foundational to integration. This means precisely mapping data fields between systems, correctly transforming data to fit the destination’s format and requirements, and rigorously validating the data to prevent inaccuracies and errors. Achieving error-free data exchange demands meticulous planning and execution.

Bridging Legacy Systems and Modern Applications Securely

Integrating legacy systems with modern applications introduces several challenges, notably the disparity in technology and security protocols. A strategic approach involves detailed planning and the implementation of a unified security framework that ensures consistent security measures across the entire integration landscape, mitigating vulnerabilities that arise from inconsistencies.

Managing Vulnerabilities and Timely Patching

Regularly identifying and patching vulnerabilities in integrated systems is critical to maintaining security. This requires a proactive strategy for vulnerability management, ensuring that all components of the integration ecosystem are up-to-date and fortified against potential threats.

Unified Identity Management Across Systems

Consistent identity management practices are crucial across integrated systems. A cohesive approach to managing user identities and access rights helps in mitigating risks associated with unauthorized access and ensuring that users can seamlessly interact with the integrated systems without compromising security.

Fortifying API Security

APIs play a crucial role in integration, acting as the conduits through which data flows between systems. Protecting APIs from attacks—ranging from injections and token vulnerabilities to brute-force and denial-of-service (DoS and DDoS) attacks—is paramount. Implementing robust API security measures ensures that these critical interfaces are resilient against attacks that could compromise data integrity or system availability.

Addressing these challenges requires a holistic approach to integration security, encompassing everything from data handling and system compatibility to vulnerability management and API protection. By tackling these issues head-on, organizations can ensure a secure, efficient, and reliable integration environment, facilitating seamless data exchange and system interoperability across the digital landscape.

Security Imperatives in MSP and MSSP Integrations

Ensuring security in integrations within a company is critical, but when it comes to connecting systems across company boundaries, such as in Managed Service Providers (MSPs) or Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) setups, the complexity and risk multiply significantly. The cross-company nature of these integrations introduces unique challenges that need strategic attention.

Prioritizing Information Classification

Before embarking on integration projects, especially in MSP or MSSP environments, it’s crucial to classify information accurately. Determining what data is internal and what can be considered external sets the groundwork for secure data handling practices. This classification helps in applying appropriate security measures to protect sensitive information from being exposed unintentionally.

Safeguarding Private Information

In MSP settings, where data flows between multiple entities, there's a heightened risk of private information being mishandled. It's imperative to have mechanisms in place that identify and filter out messages containing sensitive information, preventing them from being inadvertently sent to external systems. This not only protects privacy but also ensures compliance with data protection regulations.

Evaluating Third-party Security Postures

When integrating with third-party companies, assessing their security posture becomes a non-negotiable aspect of the integration strategy. This assessment should extend to understanding their compliance with relevant regulatory requirements, which could impact the integration process. Ensuring that third-party systems meet your security standards is essential for maintaining the integrity and security of your own systems.

The challenge of securing integrations in an MSP or MSSP setup cannot be understated. The interconnectedness required to deliver services across different platforms and companies introduces vulnerabilities that could be exploited if not adequately protected. Thus, a detailed, proactive approach to security, from data classification to third-party assessments, is vital for safeguarding data and maintaining trust in these complex environments.

Secure Integrations with the Getint Platform

Getint is at the forefront of providing an enterprise-friendly integration platform, designed to seamlessly connect your organization's collaboration software tools. Whether it's Jira, Azure DevOps, ServiceNow, Salesforce, or other supported platforms, Getint ensures a smooth, secure integration process. Here's how we achieve this:

Adherence to International Security Standards

ISO27001 and ISO27018 Certifications, with SOC2 on the Horizon: Getint is proud to uphold the highest security standards, as evidenced by our ISO27001 and ISO27018 certifications. With SOC2 certification also forthcoming, we are committed to maintaining rigorous security protocols that align with well-recognized industry benchmarks.

Flexible Deployment Options

Diverse Deployment Solutions: Getint offers versatile deployment options to suit your organization's needs. Choose from a Jira application available through the Atlassian Marketplace, Getint SaaS for cloud-based service, or Getint OnPremise for a solution that operates entirely behind your firewall, ensuring maximum security.

Advanced User Management

Granular Permission Controls: Within the Getint platform, you can fine-tune user access, ensuring sensitive data remains protected. This feature allows for the creation of segregated environments within a single Getint instance, preventing unauthorized access to data across different teams.

Customizable Data Storage

Control Over Your Data Logs: With Getint, you decide on the storage location and duration of your data logs, whether in the cloud with Getint SaaS or on your premises with Getint OnPremise. This flexibility allows for enhanced data governance and security compliance.

Robust Data Encryption

Enhanced Encryption for Integrated Data: In addition to encrypting credentials used for tool connections, Getint offers the option to encrypt log fields, providing an extra layer of security for your integrated data.

Proven Track Record with Industry Leaders

Trusted by Global Brands: Getint's reliability is reflected in our work with industry giants such as Swiss banks, Lufthansa, Apple, and Airbus Protect. Our platform's scalability and dependability are showcased through real-world applications and positive testimonials from our diverse clientele.

Read our case studies here.

Exceptional Support and Customization

Responsive Support and Tailored Solutions: Getint stands out for its exceptional customer support and willingness to develop custom features to meet unique requirements. Our commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in the swift, personalized assistance we provide.

Scalability and Reliability

Atlassian Cloud Fortified Program Participant: As part of Atlassian's Cloud Fortified program, Getint is recognized for its reliability and scalability, ensuring consistent performance even under demanding conditions.

Insightful Reporting

Actionable Integration Insights: Getint's comprehensive reporting tools provide valuable insights into integration health, helping administrators quickly identify and resolve issues related to setup, permissions, or other factors affecting integration performance.

Commitment to Continuous Security Improvement

Engagement in Security Programs: Getint actively participates in Atlassian-supported security programs, including Bug Bounty and Cloud Fortified, underscoring our commitment to continuous security enhancement.

By choosing Getint for your integration needs, you're not just selecting a platform; you're partnering with a provider that prioritizes security, reliability, and customer satisfaction above all else.

Getint joins the Cloud Fortified program

Expanding Integration Capabilities

Continuous Expansion of Supported Tools: Recognizing the dynamic nature of the digital workspace, Getint is committed to continuously expanding its portfolio of supported tools and platforms. This ensures that as your organization grows and evolves, Getint grows with you, enabling seamless integration of emerging tools and technologies.

Fostering a User-Centric Development Approach

Custom Feature Development: In response to unique user requirements, Getint offers custom feature development. This approach has led to the implementation of specialized features, such as proxy support for specific customer environments, showcasing our flexibility and commitment to meeting user needs.

Strengthening Data Governance

Enhanced Data Governance Tools: Getint is enhancing its data governance capabilities, offering users more control over their data and ensuring compliance with global data protection regulations. This is part of our ongoing effort to provide a secure, compliant integration platform that respects user privacy and data sovereignty.

Advancing Reporting and Analytics

Advanced Reporting and Analytics: Understanding the importance of data-driven decision-making, Getint is continuously improving its reporting and analytics features. These enhancements provide users with deeper insights into their integration performance, enabling more informed decisions and faster troubleshooting.

Prioritizing Accessibility and Inclusivity

Making Integration Accessible to All: At Getint, we believe that secure integration should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical background. We're dedicated to improving the user interface and experience, making it more intuitive and user-friendly for a broader audience.

By choosing Getint, you're not only gaining access to a secure, reliable integration platform but also joining a forward-thinking community dedicated to innovation, security, and excellence. Our journey is guided by the principles of customer satisfaction, security, and continuous improvement, ensuring that Getint remains your trusted partner in integration, today and in the future.

What are the key goals of secure integration?

Answer: The key goals of secure integration include ensuring data confidentiality, maintaining data integrity, and guaranteeing data availability. These goals aim to protect sensitive information, ensure accuracy and consistency of data, and make sure data is accessible when needed.

What best practices enhance integration security?

Answer: Best practices for secure integration involve implementing authentication and authorization, using secure communication protocols, securing APIs and endpoints, monitoring and logging activity, performing regular security audits and reviews, limiting data exposure, establishing error handling mechanisms, applying the principle of least privilege, securing the data through encryption, and training employees and end users.

How does Getint ensure secure integrations?

Answer: Getint ensures secure integrations by holding ISO27001 and ISO27018 certificates, with SOC2 certification coming soon. It offers different deployment types (Jira application, Getint SaaS, Getint OnPremise), user management with different levels of permissions, customizable data storage and encryption, and participation in the Bug Bounty and Cloud Fortified programs.

What makes Getint a preferred choice for integrating collaboration software tools?

Answer: Getint is preferred for its commitment to security standards (ISO certifications and SOC2 compliance coming soon), flexible deployment options, advanced user management, customizable data storage and encryption, its reputation supported by real case studies from notable brands, exceptional support including custom development, scalability, reliability, comprehensive reporting, and its participation in security enhancement programs.

How does Getint address integration security challenges in MSP or MSSP setups?

Answer: Getint addresses security challenges in MSP or MSSP setups by emphasizing information classification, safeguarding private information, assessing third-party security postures, and ensuring consistent identity management practices across all integrated systems.

What future directions does Getint pursue for enhancing integration security?

Answer: Getint focuses on continuous improvement in security practices, expanding its supported tools and platforms, engaging in collaborative security initiatives, enhancing data governance tools, advancing reporting and analytics, and prioritizing user experience to make secure integration accessible to a broader audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why integrate applications within my organization?

Integrating your applications fosters seamless data flow and enhances operational efficiency across departments. It simplifies processes, boosts productivity, and ensures a cohesive user experience, effectively breaking down data silos and promoting synergy between different systems and teams.

What encompasses integration security, and its significance?

Integration security involves protecting data integrity and confidentiality as various applications, systems, and platforms are interconnected. This is crucial for preserving sensitive information, ensuring uninterrupted business operations, adhering to regulatory requirements, and safeguarding against potential cyber threats.

Best practices for securing software application integrations?

Securing your software integrations requires a multi-faceted approach. This includes implementing robust encryption methods, securing API endpoints, enforcing strict authentication and access control measures, conducting regular security assessments, and maintaining vigilance through continuous monitoring and updates to tackle emerging vulnerabilities.


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