Getint's 2023 Triumph: A 4.9 Average in Customer Support Satisfaction


April 25, 2024

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Explore Getint's 2023 success with a 4.9/5 customer satisfaction score, showcasing our excellence as an Atlassian Gold Vendor.Getint's Commitment to Excellence: A Look at Our 2023 Customer Satisfaction Journey

As a trusted Atlassian Gold Vendor, Getint has always been about creating seamless bridges in the software world. With a majority of our operations within the Atlassian Marketplace, we've consistently focused on providing top-tier integration solutions. However, our solutions are only as good as the support that backs them, and in 2023, we took our customer service to new heights.

High Satisfaction, High Standards

Throughout 2023, we handled an impressive volume of inquiries, totaling 780 tickets through Jira Service Management. Despite the challenges and complexity of tech support in the SaaS industry, we're proud to share that our clients have rated us an average of 4.9 out of 5 in customer satisfaction. This goes beyond numbers; it's a reflection of our commitment to providing personalized and effective support.

Understanding the Numbers

The active feedback from 26 users, though a smaller subset of the total tickets, is incredibly significant. In the broader context of the SaaS industry, where the response rate for feedback can hover around a modest 5-10%, our engaged feedback rate is indicative of a passionate and involved customer base. It's a testament to the trust and satisfaction our users have in our platform and support services.

Getint in the Atlassian Marketplace Ecosystem

Our place in the Atlassian ecosystem comes with the responsibility of upholding the high standards set by Atlassian itself. As a Gold Vendor, we not only rise to meet these standards but also continually push to set new ones. Our customer satisfaction score is not just a number—it's a statement that in a market as competitive and dynamic as the Atlassian Marketplace, we stand out for the right reasons.

Leveraging Feedback for Growth

We believe every piece of feedback is an opportunity for growth. It's why we actively encourage our users to share their experiences with us. Each piece of feedback helps us to iterate, innovate, and implement the changes necessary to serve our customers better.

Industry Benchmarks and Context:

Delivering stellar customer support in the SaaS industry is no small feat. Industry leaders like Gartner and Forrester have long been tracking customer satisfaction metrics across various sectors. For instance, a Gartner study on customer service interaction reports that the average customer satisfaction score (CSAT) for software companies hovers around 84% to 90%.

Compared to these benchmarks, Getint's customer satisfaction rating shines exceptionally bright. Achieving an average score of 4.9 out of 5 translates to a 98% satisfaction rate – well above industry averages. This figure not only places us at the upper echelons of customer service within the tech sector but also reaffirms our position as a leader in the Atlassian ecosystem.

While the number of direct reviews we have is a fraction of the total tickets, this is in line with industry standards. Typically, only a segment of users engage in providing feedback, which makes our 26 in-depth reviews a goldmine of actionable insights. They represent a customer base that is not just satisfied but also engaged and communicative.

The Path Forward

As we look to the future, our goal remains clear: to keep improving our support and solutions. The insights we gain from our users are invaluable, and we will continue to foster an environment where feedback is seen as the cornerstone of progress.

In Gratitude

A heartfelt thank you to all our clients who have taken the time to share their feedback. Your voice is instrumental in shaping our journey toward excellence. With your continued support, we're excited for what 2024 has in store.

In a year of challenges, your satisfaction has been our greatest reward.


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