Getint's Enterprise Momentum: Celebrating 1,700+ Installs and Prestigious Partnerships

New Horizons

April 25, 2024

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In the ever-evolving world of software integrations, trust and reliability stand paramount. Today, we're beyond excited to celebrate not just numbers but the trust that these numbers represent. In almost four short years, Getint has garnered 1,700+ installations. However, what truly humbles us are the names associated with these installations and the stories they tell.

Journey to 1,700+ Installations

From the outset, Getint's mission was clear: to create a platform that could seamlessly integrate, manage, and scale with businesses of all sizes. Our journey to 1,700+ installations is not just about numbers—it's about the trust businesses have placed in our solution, our team, and our vision.

Prestigious Partnerships and Trust

We're honored to state that Getint's solutions are chosen, used, or have been used by global giants such as Capgemini, Lufthansa, Skoda, Daimler, Deloitte, Fujitsu, and Samsung. These are not just names; they're testaments to the quality and reliability of our platform. Their faith in Getint speaks volumes, showcasing our platform's capability to serve complex enterprise needs efficiently.

Moreover, some of these revered enterprises have made the conscious decision to migrate to Getint or chose us over formidable competitors like ConnectAll, TFS4JIRA, Exalate, Unito, and Workato. We consider this trust as a responsibility and are constantly motivated to ensure that we exceed the expectations set for us.

Read more:

  1. Lufthansa: The Fusion of Jira Data Center and Azure DevOps: A Lufthansa Group Case Study
  2. DSK Bank: Seamless Data Transition: Azure DevOps and Jira Integration with Getint
  3. Daimler: Azure DevOps to Jira migration
  4. Retail Assist: Integrating several ServiceNow instances, and Jira. Switching from ConnectAll to
  5. Skoda Auto (Volkswagen Group): Azure DevOps Jira Integration
  6. GBDS Network: Integrating Jira with ServiceNow for Fintech

Achieving Atlassian Gold Vendor Status

Reaching 1,700+ installations and partnering with esteemed enterprises weren't our only moments of pride in this journey. We're ecstatic to announce that Getint has also achieved the 'Atlassian Gold Vendor' status. This recognition from Atlassian, a global leader in software solutions, solidifies our place in the industry and pushes us to set even loftier standards for ourselves.

Looking Ahead

While we celebrate these milestones, our journey is far from complete. With every installation, and with every partnership, we learn, evolve, and improve. We're excited for the road ahead, and we pledge to continue delivering solutions that resonate with both our enterprise partners and the broader community.

A Note of Thanks

At the heart of every installation, every partnership, and every achievement is you—our customers. Whether you're a budding startup or a global enterprise, your trust and feedback have been pivotal in shaping Getint's journey. We're indebted to your trust and promise to uphold the standards you've come to expect from us.


As we mark these milestones, our vision remains unchanged—to build a platform that's reliable, efficient, and trustworthy. With 1,700+ installations and counting, we're just getting started. Here's to many more milestones, partnerships, and stories of success!

Warm Regards,

The Getint Team


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